Full Progressive WebApps support in SharePoint!?

EDIT: I havent been able to get this to work reliably. The manifest is not always installed correctly because of a CORS error, haven't found a solution yet.

Quick post to show something I just found out. Seems like the W3C recently introduced the .webmanifest extension for Progressive WebApp manifest files. As far as I know Chrome and other browsers only used to support files that were named manifest.json.

"What do I care?", I can hear you think. Well, this makes it possible to host a full fledged Progressive WebApp in SharePoint Online. Since you used to have to use a manifest.json file, and JSON files are not fully supported in SharePoint, you couldn't create a real, installable PWA in SharePoint online.

And now you can!
By using
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.webmanifest"> inside a custom page.
Of course, this is a huge hackjob as you're circumventing all SharePoint functionality besides serving pages and files.

Still, pretty nifty though!

See my previous post where I show a video about the app working offline

The manifest has loaded on a SharePoint page! The manifest file was loaded!

The install button has appeared as a command! The install button has appeared as a command! I assume you can add a Add to Homescreen button to your app as well, to have a user install it from an easy to use button on screen.

The app in its own window. Notice the URL point to sharepoint.com! It works offline through serviceworkers! The app in its own window. Notice the URL point to sharepoint.com! It works offline through a serviceworker!

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